Untitled Invoice Screen

Use this screen to create an invoice document. Other options include the ability to add attachments from a folder, camera, or scanner. Click here to read more about adding attachments.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
(document header) The blue document header displays the repair order information on the Invoice screen: RO Number, Owner, Vehicle (year, make, model), License (plate number), Estimator, Insurance Company, VIN, and Exterior Color.
Vendor Name This droplist allows you to select a vendor or a preferred vendor. This option also opens the create a new vendor screen. This field is required. This field cannot be edited once the credit memo has been saved.
Discount This field displays the discount value from the vendor record. You cannot edit this field.
Payment Type Select an option from the droplist. Valid values include On Account, COD, and Credit Card. The payment type entered in the vendor record is displayed by default.
Check Number This field is editable when the COD payment type is selected.
Invoice # Enter the vendor invoice number in this field. This field is required.
Invoice Date Enter the date this invoice was created. The current date is displayed by default. Optionally, select the date by clicking the calendar icon.
Invoice Total $ Enter the total invoice amount in this field. This field is required. This field cannot be edited once the invoice has been saved.
Attach - From Folder This allows you to browse to the folder location where attachments can be selected.
Attach - From Camera/Scanner This allows you to browse to the folder location of a camera or scanner where attachments can be selected.
Delete Selected attachments in the pane are removed using this option.
(attachment pane) Attachments that appear in this pane also appear in the workfile Attachments tab.
Received Items This value is the count of this invoice's Receive Qty. This field cannot be edited.
Subtotal $ This is the sum total of all Extended Cost $ amounts. This field cannot be edited.
Tax $ Enter the total tax amount from the vendor's invoice in this field. This field cannot be edited once the document has been saved.
Freight $ Enter the total freight charge amount from the vendor's invoice in this field. This field cannot be edited once the document has been saved.
Variance $ This amount is the Invoice Total $ amount from the vendor's invoice compared to the Grand Total $ amount. The text in this field displays in red when these two values are not equal.This field cannot be edited.
Grand Total $ This is the summed value of Subtotal $, Tax $, and Freight $ amounts.This field cannot be edited.
Attach - From Folder This option opens a file browser that allows you to search and attach files on your machine.
Attach - From Camera/Scanner This option opens a file browser that allows you to attach files using your camera or scanner.
Delete Select an attached file, and then select this option to delete the file from the attachment pane.
(attachment pane) Thumbnails of attached files appear in this pane. Double-click to open the selected file.

Description of fields in the part lines grid

Field Description
Select Options allow you to receive part lines for all part types or part type groups not previously received. This option does not appear once the invoice has been saved.
Deselect All This option allows you to deselect all part lines not previously received. This action resets the invoice to the original values. This option does not appear once the invoice has been saved.
Add Line Manual part lines can be added using this option. This option does not appear once the invoice has been saved.
Delete Line Choose this option to delete a manually added part line. This option does not appear once the invoice has been saved.
Receive This indicates that the part has been received. Select this indicator for the part line that corresponds to the part line listed on the vendor's invoice. Deselecting this option restores the original part line values. This option is disabled once the invoice has been saved.
Line This is the line number from the estimate. This field cannot be edited.
Part Number Enter the invoice part number if different.
Description The part line description comes from the estimate. This field cannot be edited.
Part Type The selected part type from the estimate source is displayed in this field. The part type can be changed by selecting a different one from the droplist. This option is disabled once the invoice has been saved.
Already Received Qty This value is greater than 0 if the part has been received in a prior invoice. This field cannot be edited.
Remaining Qty This value decreases when you select the Receive option. This field cannot be edited.
RO List $ This value is the price from the estimate line. This field cannot be edited.
Receive Qty This value increases when you select the Receive option. The Receive Qty must be equal to or less than Remaining Qty. This field cannot be edited once the invoice has been saved.
Invoice List $ The RO List $ amount is displayed here when the Receive option is selected. This field can be edited. The part line text displays in red when the RO List $ and the Invoice List $ amounts do not match. This field cannot be edited once the invoice has been saved.
Unit Cost $ This value is the discount percentage value from the selected vendor profile applied to the value to the Invoice List $ amount. The discount must be set up in the vendor's profile. This field cannot be edited once the invoice has been saved.
Discount % This value is calculated from the Invoice List $ amount and the Unit Cost $ amount as a percentage. This field cannot be edited.
Extended Cost $ This value is calculated from the Invoice List $ amount subtracted by the Unit Cost $ amount. This field cannot be edited.

Toolbar and menu options on the screen

Field Label Description
File The menu bar File button options include Save Draft, Save and New, Save and New Parts Return, Save and New Partial Credit, Save and Close, Print Preview, Print, and Close.
Actions The Void option is enabled once the invoice is saved. Otherwise there are no options associated with this button.
Help This option launches the CCC ONE Online Help screen.
Save Draft When using this option the invoice is saved and can be edited at a later time. The invoice document status displays Draft. This option is also displayed in the toolbar. This option is disabled when the document status is Completed.
Save and New This option saves the invoice, closes the current screen, and opens a new invoice screen. This option is also displayed in the toolbar.
Save and New Parts Return This option saves the invoice, closes the current screen, and open a new credit memo parts return screen. This is also a toolbar option labeled as Save and New Credit Memo > Parts Return.
Save and New Partial Credit This option saves the invoice, closes the current screen, and open a new credit memo partial credit screen. This is also a toolbar option labeled as Save and New Credit Memo > Partial Credit.
Save and Close Selecting this option saves the document and closes the screen. This option is also displayed in the toolbar.
Print Selecting this button displays droplist options that allows you to print the Invoice, Parts Reconciliation, and Part Labels. This option is also displayed in the toolbar.
Print Preview Selecting this button allows you to view the Invoice, Parts Reconciliation, and Part Labels documents. This option is also displayed in the toolbar.

See Also

Creating an Invoice







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